How to move forward with your creative work!
Are you feeling stuck or discouraged with your creative project?
Chances are you aren't 100% confident in yourself or your project yet, and that's okay! All my clients have been where you are, but the good news is there's a way past it!
I'm here to help you get past self-doubt & move forward on the work you feel called to do!
I know what’s like to struggle with creativity, but I also know how to get past the struggle. It involves 3 simple steps..
3 Steps To Move Forward With Confidence
If you practice these three steps, I promise you'll walk away with more confidence & start moving forward with the work you feel called to do!
It's my tried & true practice I use with all my clients & I can't wait for you to try it out as well!
That book you've always wanted to write, that business you've been wanting to create, that garden you've wanted to plant.. It's 100% doable! And you can get there sooner than you think!
So let’s walk through them together!..
In this first step you are starting to become aware of the thoughts, feelings & limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
There are a lot of thoughts, limiting beliefs, self-doubts and even down right lies that we believe and hold onto. These are what get in the way of us taking any action or the right action on our projects.
Find the thought(s) that is currently holding you back:
"I can't."
"I'm not good enough."
"It's not even that good."
"I don't have time."
"I'm broken."
"I don't deserve this for myself."
"I will be______ if I _______."
"Something else..."
2. Clarity
This step is SO important because it allows you to get really clear on what it is you actually want and why!
You probably already know that you need a strong WHY to keep going with a goal or project, but one thing many creatives forget is to ask what it is they really want. I recommend asking this question again and again as you work on your project!
Doing so will lead to more clarity which leads to more confidence!
Three most important questions to ask yourself:
"What do I really want?"
"Why do I want it?"
"How do I want to feel?"
3. Confidence
This is where you'll start to think differently about your project & your ability to create by creating new thoughts & beliefs that are true.
When you start to think differently about yourself and your project, you'll start to feel differently about yourself and your project. The thoughts & feelings that held you back before will now be replaced with new thoughts & feelings that help you take action.
Moving forward on your creative goals becomes a little less scary and a little more doable. You'll have just enough courage to take that first step and then...the next one and the next one.
You'll start to believe that the work you're doing IS important & you'll start creating more and more evidence that that is true!
Let’s put it all together!
Step #1. Awareness - Identify the thoughts & feelings that have been holding you back.
(ex. "I should be doing something else with my time.")
Step #2. Clarity - Journal out what you really want, why and how you want to feel.
(ex. "I want to become a children’s author because it's something i've always wanted to do. I want to feel less pressure, and more joy & confidence while I write.")
Step #3. Confidence - Start coming up with a new thought or mantra you can practice whenever that negative thought from step #1 comes up. This is a thought you can start believing that doesn't feel like you're lying to yourself. It something that makes your heart sing, that feels truthful and helps you move forward!
(ex. I’m choosing to make writing a priority right now.")
Once you work through these three steps you'll be well on your way to gaining more confidence in yourself & your project so you can move forward with the work you feel called to do!
You don’t have to do this work alone!
All though this process is simple, it's 100 times more effective when you have an experienced coach like myself to walk you through it.
A quick 30 minute coaching call is so much easier than trying to do this work all by yourself!
My clients just hop on a phone call with me, talk about what IS & ISN'T working, what they want & by the end they walk away with tools & motivation to help them start moving forward that same day!
If you want to start moving forward with the work you feel called to do and feel better in the process, then this is for you too!
xoxo, Laura
Take Away
What’s really holding you back from moving forward with the work you feel called to do? It has to do with not being aware of the thoughts holding you back, not being clear on what it is you really want and not feeling confident enough in yourself or your project to move forward.
Once you work through the three steps:
1. Awareness
2. Clarity
3. Confidence
You’ll be well on your way to moving forward with the work you feel called to do! The work you are doing IS important and you don’t have to do it alone!
Your Action Step To Take
Make a decision right now.
Do you want to get past the struggle that’s currently holding you back? If so you can download this free guide & get practicing by yourself or look into a coaching call with me. If you’re not ready, that’s okay, but honor yourself and your project by making a decision today!
If you’re needing help getting unstuck with your project, I’m here to help coach you through it!